🧑🌾Aldrin Pools Guide for Farmers
Short-guide. To be updated.
1) Go to https://dex.aldrin.com/pools
2) Connect your wallet.
3) Select the pool you would like to Deposit in.
4) Click on Deposit Liquidity to enter pop-up and populate one of the fields with the number of tokens you want to add. The second field will automatically be filled in proportion to the first. Then sign the checkbox and press "Deposit Liquidity"
5) Approve the transaction in your wallet. After 5-15 seconds your table will be updated.
Important note.
If any wallet or application instigates to move your LP tokens to an associated token account - you should DENY all such invitations.
For some reason, the aforementioned is actioned off — do not be concerned as the funds are safe and you just need to get in touch with our team to resolve this issue.
6) To start farming, you must STAKE your pool tokens. Go to Pool page and click "Your Liquidity" Tab and then Details. Press "Stake Pool Token" button in pool details.
You can reduce the number of LP tokens to be staked (not recommended).
7) Press the "Stake" Button
8) Approve the transaction in your wallet. After 5-15 seconds your table will be updated.
9) The reward comes once per 24 hours.
Last updated